Facebook Ads Agency: what are the latest updates?

Lately, people have been asking whether Facebook Ads is still a good strategy for attracting leads and consequently converting new customers. And the answer is yes!

Facebook is still an excellent way to seek new business, and when strategically done in accordance with the latest changes, it can further boost your company’s results.

But then why is there so much discussion around this topic? Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything to you. It stems from recent updates to Facebook Ads, particularly Apple’s iOS 14 update, which changed how some tools collect user data.

iOS 14 impact on Facebook Ads

When browsing different websites and platforms on the web, you may have noticed permission messages asking to track your activity (App Tracking Transparency).

Source: Facebook App

This update significantly affected data collection and measurement of results and performance of campaigns carried out through Facebook Ads, such as:

Data collect

When users opt out of tracking, data for measuring and segmenting campaigns decreases. Consequently, experts have less data to analyze and base their Facebook campaign optimization strategies. 

Conversion Measurement

With fewer users being tracked, conversion analysis ended up being affected, not allowing access to the numbers that were previously available. This scenario made it difficult for users to take precise actions during their purchasing journey.

Modifying Metrics

Taking all these updates into account, Facebook had to adjust its algorithm for analyzing and collecting its metrics, aiming to reduce the impact on those who already had campaigns running.

However, not everything is just about negative results. The good thing about changes is that new opportunities always arise, and we are going to talk a little about the main ones and how to stay ahead of your competitors.

Benefits for Agency Campaigns

From the in-depth analysis of these modifications, it was possible to generate new learnings and create new strategies so that, even with less data, Modernized Marketing continues to bring excellent results to our clients through Facebook Ads campaigns:

Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM)

As the iOS 14 update affected individual tracking of users’ actions, Facebook created AEM as an adaptation of these new rules. 

Simply put, this new functionality aggregates data into groups of users, allowing access to the same information, but without violating privacy terms.

This way, data collection allows experts to see key trends and ad effectiveness. And of course, our team already adopted these new practices, always seeking the best data and results for our clients.

Data Processing

After carrying out some action on your website, be it a purchase, filling out a form, or downloading files, this information is sent directly to Facebook’s database. 

And instead of in the past, where each user was analyzed individually, the data is provided in group form, generating more general information according to the combination of user activities.

Aggregated Reports

From the analysis and processing of data, a report composed of general trends is automatically generated according to the grouping of activities of those who accessed your website.

This allows you to check whether ad campaigns are performing well overall, and not individually. This way, you gain time to focus on the best strategies according to the results obtained.

Now that we know what the Meta Ads updates were and how we adapted to continue delivering the best solutions to our clients, let’s explain what was done in practice.

Meta Conversion API

Since relying on cookies and pixels was no longer the best way to collect data, Meta (Facebook’s new brand) created a new tool to improve the accuracy of conversion tracking.

The Conversions API was developed with the premise of achieving greater precision in data measurement, respecting users’ security and privacy, and integrating online and offline data. 

Source: hightouch.com 

This new strategy further improved user event tracking, generating benefits such as:

Improved Connectivity

It is important to combine the powers of both the Facebook Pixel and Conversions API to create a steady connection that helps the delivery system reduce your cost per action.

When using the Conversions API your data is less affected than the Pixel by connectivity issues, loading errors, and ad blockers.

Optimization of Later Actions

Actions that happen after a purchase (subscriptions), store actions, and customer scores are examples of the customer’s journey (events). 

Facebook then uses this information to show your ads to customers who are more likely to generate value for your product, business, or service.

Measurement Improvement

Conversions API is important because it is a better measurement of ad performance and attribution across the entire customer journey. It will also help you better communicate and interpret how digital marketing impacts both offline and online results.

Increased Event Matching

When your marketing data can be matched across different Meta technologies that is when it is most effective. So the Conversions API is usual for including additional customer information parameters which will help increase your even match quality score and increase matched events.

Increase Data Control

It is important to implement the Conversions API separately from the Facebook Pixel which gives you more control over what and when you share it.

Facebook Ads are NOT DEAD

Advertising still accounts for the vast majority of Meta’s revenue which means businesses still invest heavily into Facebook Ads.

“In 2021, Meta (formerly Facebook Inc) generated 114.93 billion U.S. dollars in ad revenues” – Statista

Many companies will say that “Facebook Ads” are dead because they have not refined their methods and are still operating like they were in 2010.

It is important to stay up to date with Meta’s new policies and to continually learn about what works and what doesn’t work.

Facebook Ads have gotten more expensive, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still incredibly valuable and profitable. If you want to increase conversions and create brand awareness, then Facebook ads are a great place to start.

Modernized Marketing and Facebook Ads

Modernized Marketing’s Facebook Ad Services help businesses build a strong brand by increasing brand awareness and improving lead generation through optimized and professionally managed Facebook Ads campaigns.

It is important to trust a reputable company that has experience and has fine-tuned/refined its methods to the current Meta policies to ensure the optimal ROAS. 

Modernized Marketing will help you to take your Facebook campaigns to the next level by helping in all areas of your campaign including creatives, custom audiences, pixel installation, and more.

For more information, check out our Facebook Ad Services

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