Facebook Ads Agency: what are the latest updates?

Lately, people have been asking whether Facebook Ads is still a good strategy for attracting leads and consequently converting new customers. And the answer is yes! Facebook is still an excellent way to seek new business, and when strategically done in accordance with the latest changes, it can further boost your company’s results. But then why is there so much discussion around this topic? Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything to you. It stems from recent updates to Facebook Ads, particularly Apple’s iOS 14 update, which changed how some tools collect user data. iOS 14 impact on Facebook Ads When browsing different websites and platforms on the web, you may have noticed permission messages asking to track your activity (App Tracking Transparency). Source: Facebook App This update significantly affected data collection and measurement of results and performance of campaigns carried out through Facebook Ads, such as: Data collect When users opt out of tracking, data for measuring and segmenting campaigns decreases. Consequently, experts have less data to analyze and base their Facebook campaign optimization strategies.  Conversion Measurement With fewer users being tracked, conversion analysis ended up being affected, not allowing access to the numbers that were previously available. This scenario made it difficult for users to take precise actions during their purchasing journey. Modifying Metrics Taking all these updates into account, Facebook had to adjust its algorithm for analyzing and collecting its metrics, aiming to reduce the impact on those who already had campaigns running. However, not everything is just about negative results. The good thing about changes is that new opportunities always arise, and we are going to talk a little about the main ones and how to stay ahead of your competitors. Benefits for Agency Campaigns From the in-depth analysis of these modifications, it was possible to generate new learnings and create new strategies so that, even with less data, Modernized Marketing continues to bring excellent results to our clients through Facebook Ads campaigns: Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM) As the iOS 14 update affected individual tracking of users’ actions, Facebook created AEM as an adaptation of these new rules.  Simply put, this new functionality aggregates data into groups of users, allowing access to the same information, but without violating privacy terms. This way, data collection allows experts to see key trends and ad effectiveness. And of course, our team already adopted these new practices, always seeking the best data and results for our clients. Data Processing After carrying out some action on your website, be it a purchase, filling out a form, or downloading files, this information is sent directly to Facebook’s database.  And instead of in the past, where each user was analyzed individually, the data is provided in group form, generating more general information according to the combination of user activities. Aggregated Reports From the analysis and processing of data, a report composed of general trends is automatically generated according to the grouping of activities of those who accessed your website. This allows you to check whether ad campaigns are performing well overall, and not individually. This way, you gain time to focus on the best strategies according to the results obtained. Now that we know what the Meta Ads updates were and how we adapted to continue delivering the best solutions to our clients, let’s explain what was done in practice. Meta Conversion API Since relying on cookies and pixels was no longer the best way to collect data, Meta (Facebook’s new brand) created a new tool to improve the accuracy of conversion tracking. The Conversions API was developed with the premise of achieving greater precision in data measurement, respecting users’ security and privacy, and integrating online and offline data.  Source: hightouch.com  This new strategy further improved user event tracking, generating benefits such as: Improved Connectivity It is important to combine the powers of both the Facebook Pixel and Conversions API to create a steady connection that helps the delivery system reduce your cost per action. When using the Conversions API your data is less affected than the Pixel by connectivity issues, loading errors, and ad blockers. Optimization of Later Actions Actions that happen after a purchase (subscriptions), store actions, and customer scores are examples of the customer’s journey (events).  Facebook then uses this information to show your ads to customers who are more likely to generate value for your product, business, or service. Measurement Improvement Conversions API is important because it is a better measurement of ad performance and attribution across the entire customer journey. It will also help you better communicate and interpret how digital marketing impacts both offline and online results. Increased Event Matching When your marketing data can be matched across different Meta technologies that is when it is most effective. So the Conversions API is usual for including additional customer information parameters which will help increase your even match quality score and increase matched events. Increase Data Control It is important to implement the Conversions API separately from the Facebook Pixel which gives you more control over what and when you share it. Facebook Ads are NOT DEAD Advertising still accounts for the vast majority of Meta’s revenue which means businesses still invest heavily into Facebook Ads. “In 2021, Meta (formerly Facebook Inc) generated 114.93 billion U.S. dollars in ad revenues” – Statista Many companies will say that “Facebook Ads” are dead because they have not refined their methods and are still operating like they were in 2010. It is important to stay up to date with Meta’s new policies and to continually learn about what works and what doesn’t work. Facebook Ads have gotten more expensive, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still incredibly valuable and profitable. If you want to increase conversions and create brand awareness, then Facebook ads are a great place to start. Modernized Marketing and Facebook Ads Modernized Marketing’s Facebook Ad Services help businesses build a strong brand by increasing brand awareness and improving lead generation through optimized and professionally managed Facebook Ads campaigns.

What is a Marketing Sales Funnel and How It Works?

UUnderstanding how your customer thinks is the best way to connect with them and always be one step ahead of your competitors. The marketing funnel is fully linked to your customers’ journey when purchasing your services or products. In other words, it is the process that your persona goes through on your website until they are ready to convert. To ensure your business thrives, it is essential to analyze and understand this process completely. First, we must understand how this process works: Digital Marketing Funnel Process The most famous principle used in recent years for the marketing funnel was created by Elias St. Elmo Lewis at the end of the 19th century.  According to Lewis,, a potential customer’s purchasing journey is divided into 4 stages: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. The process became known as AIDA. To attract more customers and make more conversions, companies need to always be up to date with these four main funnel stages of the customer journey: Awareness The way you impact a potential customer for the first time is essential for the sequence of their purchasing journey. That’s why your website must have good performance that benefits the user experience, your products/services must be well descriptive and you must focus on your persona’s pain points. This is why organic content is so important. If the person is not even at the stage where they’re interested in converting, there is no point in sending them a specific ad. It is necessary to attract users through inbound strategies and offer a good experience, as well as information that attracts attention. With the market growing more and more and the number of competitors increasing, standing out in the initial phase of the customer journey is a great opportunity to build good results.  And to do this, you need to understand how to draw people’s attention to your product or service. Awareness starts with just putting yourself out there. Before buying ads and promoting your product or service, it is important to try organically promoting your product or service. Even when you are buying promotion for your product or service, then it is still important to never neglect the organic reach that your product or service is capable of. Interest  From the moment you attract your persona’s attention, you need to provide them with relevant information that is associated with their needs. This increases interest and the person becomes more interested in what you offer. And nothing better than this research being done through your website or social network. This will create a bond between the persona and the brand, even if they have never purchased from you.  That’s why organic content is so important, as you can focus on solving problems, educating and engaging these people through quality content.  Ask yourself: It is important to provide value and then people will gladly move on to the next stage which is desire. Desire From the moment you have already attracted attention and created interest in your persona, the desire phase comes to the fore. This is an opportunity that cannot be missed and your interaction must be very accurate. This is the time when it is necessary to point out all the qualities of your brand, the benefits of your products or services, reviews and testimonials from other customers, as well as essential tips on what you are selling. Some very interesting options to offer at this stage are: e-books, guides, success stories, evaluations, comparisons, and everything that can strengthen your brand, leading to conversion. Desire is the most critical phase of the marketing sales funnel. This is the final step before people purchase your product or service. What separates you from the competition? After they have seen your content, then they will need to see it more than once. At this stage, remarketing is what finally leads them on to the final stage which is action. Action Congratulations! You have successfully created awareness, interest, and desire foryour product or service. It is not an easy feat to get to this stage and many businesses struggle to get here Therefore, for this entire purchasing journey process to work, it is necessary to create a sense of urgency in the buyer so that they can convert. Furthermore, facilitating navigation and the purchasing process is also essential for you to be able to sell. There is a huge number of people who abandon purchases in the last stages of the process due to lack of information. With this in mind, working with CTAs is a great option to convert and guide the person through a detailed process until they make a payment. Retention After a person has gone from the awareness stage to the action stage, then the process is still not over. For a business to thrive, a person must return to purchase the product or service again. Most businesses rely on a successful retention strategy and this is just as important as the first 4 parts of the sales funnel process. Creating Ads using the AIDA Model Whether you realize it or not, the AIDA model is applied to successful marketing ad campaigns on all social media platforms. When you set up awareness campaigns you want to target based on interests and then when you start to get further along the process, it is important to create retargeting ads by utilizing website code.  For example, when you run a conversions campaign on Facebook you can install their pixel which will allow you to retarget people who visited your website and this will help to move them down the funnel. Schedule a Meeting with Modernized Marketing To learn more about the marketing sales funnel and more marketing tips, subscribe to our newsletter and, if you’re interested, book a meeting with us. What is the marketing sales funnel? AIDA which is action, interest, desire, then action. Followed by Retention.

Marketing Secrets for Prop Trading Firms: Insider Tips from Our Agency

NNot every prop trading firm in the industry will succeed, and there are a couple of reasons for this inference. However, two essential components speak volumes about the success of a prop firm─ its traders and investors. Success is just a stone’s throw away when a prop trading firm has a team of high achieve traders and investors with large pockets. As such, every prop trading firm that desires to be at the top of the industry must market itself to the right audience. In this guide, we will shed some insider tips on the marketing secrets successful prop trading firms use. Tips on the Marketing Secrets Prop Trading Firms Use Prop trading firms are highly competitive, and standing out is challenging. But how a prop trading firm markets itself says a lot about how it will be perceived in the industry. Below are some proven marketing secrets prop trading firms use to stand out. Unique Trading Strategies One of the first things successful trading firms use is investigating the market and developing a trading strategy unique to their brand. This marketing strategy is effective because it gives them an edge over the competition. And by targeting its trading strategy at the right audience, it can get better results. Prop trading firms that use this method take advantage of innovative trading techniques, identify untapped markets, and leverage new data sources. Robust Technology Infrastructure With the advent of sophisticated and cutting-edge technologies, prop trading firms that capitalize on them thrive in the industry. While it may require a bit of investment to implement these technological infrastructures, they help maximize the firm’s revenue as it eliminates silos by allowing processes to be more efficient. Also, prop trading firms with strong technological infrastructure can scale more easily and boost their networking when necessary. The benefits of prop trading firms implementing a robust technological infrastructure are enormous. Focus on Risk Management Risk management is a crucial aspect of a prop trading firm. Prop trading firms that prioritize this aspect of their operation can better manage their funds. In some firms, every trader has a risk manager, otherwise known as a horizontal reporting structure. In contrast, some firms use a hierarchical risk management structure where risk staff and traders report to a single risk manager. Whatever the case, designing a clear and precise risk management structure helps manage and control exposure and maximize assets. Collaborative Culture The effect of a positive team spirit cannot be overemphasized as it plays a vital role in decision-making and innovation. The industry’s most successful prop trading firms foster a supportive, collaborative culture that retains and attracts top talent. The trading industry can be high-pressure and competitive. Rather than being profit-centric, prop trading firms with proven results offer trading and development programs to their traders, promote teamwork and open communication, and create a positive working environment. Strong Performance Track Record Performance is the key metric to measure the success rate of a trader. Poor performance means the firm is losing more money than it can afford. As such, it needs traders to deliver returns and land investors consistently. To achieve this, the firm must have an in-depth knowledge of the market, a disciple approach to trading, and a willingness to adapt to the ever-changing market conditions. Specialization When a prop trading firm focuses on a particular asset class or market rather than multiple areas, it can be more proficient. This asset class or market can be anything from options to equities, futures, or even cryptocurrencies. Specialization is a marketing strategy successful prop trading firms use to improve performance. Moreover, specialization also helps position the firm as a go-to expert in that market. As such, any trader or investor looking to venture into that sector of the trading industry can trust the prop trading firm. Global Reach Some prop trading firms limit their presence to local traders and investors. But firms that expand their reach globally can achieve more success as they can trade in multiple markets. Moreover, these prop trading firms have a much wider market to shop for traders and investors, as the global market is now the base market. However, note that with more opportunity comes greater competition. But prop trading firms with a proven successful marketing strategy will always be at the top. Innovative Prop trading firms focusing more on factors that can help them sustain a more relevant industry tend to be the most successful. As such, innovation or introducing novelty to the business model always helps it stand out. Prop trading firms that position themselves at the forefront of innovation, whether an idea or a concept, can induce creativity and efficiency into the business. Although innovation is a thing, it requires the firm to be willing to experiment with new approaches, which may not always deliver the best result. Transparency Transparency in business helps build trust, leading to more profit. Prop trading firms that are transparent with their dealings achieve immense success in the long run. While transparency is important to prop trading firms, it does not mean they must give out sensitive information. Rather, being transparent with information like last sale reports or quotes, the book’s depth, and others give traders and investors more confidence in the firm. Access to Significant Capital Finally, a marketing secret of successful prop trading firms is their access to significant capital. These firms can take larger traders and generate more profit. Moreover, when potential investors get an insight into how much a prop trading firm manages, it gives them more confidence to invest. Likewise, experienced traders are often more interested in such platforms. Conclusion While prop trading firms are highly competitive, firms can still stand out from the crowd with the right marketing strategies. As elaborated in this guide, there are several secrets successful prop trading firms use to stay on top of the market. So, by finding a way to implement one, if not all of the strategies elaborated above, any prop trading firm can build

Navigating the Complex World of Prop Trading Marketing: Why You Need a Proven Agency

TThe trading market is a complex system comprising small and large investors making uncoordinated investment decisions. Because of the complexity of the trading market, prop trading firms, especially startups, may run into challenges such as finding whale investors or expert traders. Whatever the case, a marketing agency can be handy to prop trading firms in several ways. For instance, a marketing agency can help simplify the trading market. Also, prop trading firms can easily navigate complex trading work with their proven strategies. Continue reading to explore why you need to work with a top-rated prop trading marketing agency to achieve your business goals. How Does A Marketing Agency Help Prop Trading Firms Navigate the Complex Trading World? To navigate the complex trading world seamlessly, prop trading firms may sometimes need guidance from a digital marketing agency. Thankfully, digital marketing agencies use several marketing strategies to maximize their profit. Below are a few proven strategies marketing agencies use to simplify the complex trading work for prop firms: ❖   Diversify Client Base Every prop firm needs a diversified client base to make negotiating terms with its clients easier. When the client base is diversified, it also protects the prop firm should one of its clients decide to deflect their investment to a competitor. In such cases, the firm may go out of business or lose a significant chunk of its revenue. Being overly reliant on one or two large clients and ignoring the vital task of diversifying the client base puts the firm at risk. If losing a client puts the firm’s livelihood at stake, it’s a sign that you need to diversify and grow your client base. However, a marketing agency helps generate organic leads through several strategies like SEO, influencers, social media engagement, and so on to help the prop firm diversify its client base. A prop trading firm can achieve greater profitability through these strategies as it expands into several new markets. ❖   Multichannel Marketing Marketing challenges can quickly mount up when a prop firm does not have a dedicated team of marketers that can outwit the competitors. However, a marketing agency can simplify the marketing process for prop firms so they can focus on other important business areas. Since multiple channels are needed to generate a robust marketing campaign, a proven agency will capitalize on multichannel marketing, combining various platforms to amplify the campaign’s reach. Multichannel marketing combines many promotional and distribution channels into a unified strategy to attract prospects. This approach is efficient and effective in communicating the values of the firm. This strategy combines marketing channels like but not limited to direct mail, social media marketing, and so on. ❖   Performance Marketing Digital marketing is great, but when it’s not implemented properly, it can be more expensive than many prop firms realize. But the potential of performance marketing can change a lot for prop trading firms. Our performance marketing strategy has helped many prop trading firms achieve specific and measurable financial results within a short period. The goals embedded in performance marketing strategies include boosting sales and increasing loyalty. And the best part is that performance marketing helps prop trading firms get the most out of every budget. Note that performance marketing differs from brand-based marketing even though they seem similar. Brand-based marketing builds relationships between brands and customers by building a recognizable brand image. When we use performance-based marketing for a prop firm, we determine the channels and tools that will bring the best result at the best price for the firm. Through deep research and analytics with SWOT analysis, we can set goals, build strategy, and create campaigns that will yield the best result. ❖   Technological Innovation The complexity of the trading industry can be made simply with several technological innovations available today. Staying current with all the innovations while analyzing the marketing can be a lot of work for prop firms. As such, a marketing agency can step into the picture and help recommend relevant innovations such as upgrading the operating system and automating processes. Prop firms that use these technological innovations tend to see increased productivity, revenue, and client satisfaction. These technologies can also bring uniqueness and novelty to the prop trading firm processes. ❖   Navigate Economic Uncertainty The trading market is complex and full of economic uncertainty, which can be difficult for everyone, and prop trading firms are no exception. During such periods, some prop trading firms report an extreme decrease in profit and may even need to lay off traders while still struggling to stay afloat. But those that trust marketing agencies to develop agile marketing strategies that can quickly adjust to the ever-evolving financial market. For example, a marketing agency can help look for untapped sources of revenue within the firm. ❖   Investor Relations Investors are a critical part of a prop trading firm. And a marketing agency can be the investor relations for a prop trading firm. Investor relation deals with communication, finance, and marketing to effectively control the flow of information between the firm and its investors or stakeholders. The benefits of good investor relations are numerous. When the relationship is maintained, it can help provide a source of capital for the prop trading firm. Also, a marketing agency can help promote the prop trading firm’s products and services to increase yield. This role is vital to the growth and success of the prop firm. A reliable marketing agency will provide investors with relevant materials such as annual reports, investors’ presentations, and so on to maintain a strong and transparent relationship with investors. Conclusion Undoubtedly, prop trading firms need the help of a reputable marketing agency to thrive in the highly competitive industry. From developing tailored marketing strategies to offering guidance with a thorough understanding of the industry, and risk, the services that a marketing agency offers prop trading firms are numerous. So, partnering with a marketing agency specializing in performance advertising can give the prop trading firm an edge.